
Margaret - My Experience in a Home Visiting Program, Part 2

April 21, 2023

New mom shares her experience in L.A. County's Welcome Baby program. She received services from Maternal and Child Health Access, which partners with California Hospital. More: WelcomeBabySupport.org

Video Transcript

Speakers: Margaret Dawson Amoah, Participant in Welcome Baby Program

Who was your home visitor and what did you like about her?

Margaret Dawson Amoah: I didn't realize this was in parts - I think I mentioned who our visitor was, it was Denise Cervantes that we spoke to for our first visit and that we've been in contact to through our, our time in the program. I just liked her openness and flexibility, especially like, sometimes it would just be like a very short notice. Hey, I have a quick question and she would just like, get on as soon as she could always in a timely manner. So that I really appreciate it, especially like as a new mother. Again, like sometimes we would set up a meeting and I would be off doing something else or do her off and she would like, send a quick reminder if we could meet or if we needed to reschedule. So I really appreciated that flexibility. I also appreciated that she again seemed very knowledgeable about our, like what the issues that I was having and she always had resources for me um links um places to go and find the information if she didn't have it, but she would always make the effort to find it. So I also really, really appreciated that as well. Yes. So I can still go back to some of the links she sent earlier. I remember when we were doing, we were just beginning solids. For example, I still refer to a lot of material that she sent over to us. So yes, I appreciated her resourcefulness and her flexibility the most.

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