
Nikki Smith for Knowadays

December 02, 2022

Video Transcript

Speaker: Nikki Smith

Please tell us your name, where you're from and a bit about your background

Nikki Smith: Hi, my name is Nikki and I'm from Brooklyn, New York, and I am currently in school for my MFA in fiction and I proofread alongside that.

What made you originally start thinking about a proofreading course or a career in freelancing?

Nikki Smith: I was originally interested in taking a proofreading course and freelancing mainly because writing is really important to me —it's always been an important part of my life—and I have proofread in the past and I work for a literary magazine where I proofread submissions before they're published. But I just I wanted to do it on a more professional level, so a proofreading course was was an obvious choice for me.

What was your overall experience with our Becoming A Proofreader course? What did you like in particular?

Nikki Smith: The Becoming A Proofreader course was just so thorough. I felt like no questions went unanswered. Every single aspect of proofreading that could have been covered was covered. I particularly liked that at the end of every unit there, and in between as well, throughout the unit, there were practice pages. The quizzes were really helpful and just the fact that I can still go back and use the course is just so, so helpful to me. I still use it in my proofreading today.

What was your experience with our guaranteed work offer with Proofed? How has the course helped you reach your goals?

Nikki Smith: The guaranteed work offer with Proofed was I would say probably the main draw for me choosing Knowadays. I did end up getting a job with Proofed, which has been really wonderful. And I think I wouldn't have been prepared to proofread for Proofed if I hadn't taken the Becoming A Proofreader course with Knowadays. For sure, I just felt extremely prepared and confident going into working with Proofed.

What would you say to someone thinking about taking the course?

Nikki Smith: For someone who's thinking about taking the course, I would say that it is definitely worth it. The return that I've made on the investment happened a long time ago. And I just feel like, compared to other courses, the Knowadays course is just really user-friendly and, I don't know, just like intuitive. I feel really glad that I took it and for somebody who's thinking about taking it, I would really highly recommend this one.

Produced with Vocal Video