
Laura Stuckey for Knowadays

December 02, 2022

Video Transcript

Speakers: Laura Stuckey

Please tell us your name, where you're from and a bit about your background

Laura Stuckey: Hi, my name is Laura. I'm based in the southwest of England, and my original training and work background was in analytical science, and then I had children and took a number of years out to care for them and changed direction after that. So I mainly focused on education and mentoring before finding Knowadays and training as a proofreader.

What made you originally start thinking about a proofreading course or a career in freelancing?

Laura Stuckey: I was looking for a job that would allow me the ability to work from home and to have some flexibility around my hours so that I could fit together work life and family life a little bit more comfortably than I had been doing up until that point. I've always had a strength in English and being somebody who other people would send their writing to to have me check it. But I didn't think it was something that I could pursue in any formal capacity because I assumed that I'd need to have an English degree in order to make it as a proofreader. So it was only when I discovered Knowadays' Becoming A Proofreader course that I realised that it was something I had the option to explore.

When did you decide you wanted to become a tutor?

Laura Stuckey: When I saw that the tutor role was available at Knowadays, I knew that I had to jump at the opportunity to apply for it. I'd had such a positive experience on the course and especially my interactions with the team as I progressed through the course that I knew that this was a company that I would love to work for. The tutor role fitted as well with my background in education and mentoring and the thought of having the opportunity to help other people and support them on the same journey that I'd been on towards that freelance career, towards new opportunities was just really exciting.

What's your favorite part about being a Knowadays tutor?

Laura Stuckey: For me, the best thing about being a Knowadays tutor is the opportunity to support people in achieving their goals and our learners at Knowadays are fantastic. It's just so wonderful to have the opportunity to speak with people from all different cultures, backgrounds, in all different countries around the world, and just to be a part of helping them on that journey. It's a real privilege.

What would you say to learners thinking about taking the course?

Laura Stuckey: To anybody who is thinking about taking the Becoming A Proofreader course, I would say go for it. And don't forget that we are here. The tutor team is here to answer any questions you may have and give you any support that you may need along the way.

Produced with Vocal Video