
Heather Hyde

March 26, 2024

Heather is an SLP who finds joy when she gets to witness something click for her students.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Heather Hyde, Speech Language Pathologist

Heather Hyde: Hi, my name is Heather. I'm a speech language pathologist, working with children preschool through fifth grade. And I have been working in the school system for 10 years.

Heather Hyde: The biggest thing that brings me joy is when I see a student who something finally clicked for them and they get it and they're so excited and you can see that joy on their face or, a student has a communication device and they are using it effectively and they're able to communicate what they want to say. And they have that realization that their voice is being heard. And they can use that and it's just, it's such a joy to see that and such an excitement to see, to see that for the students.

Produced with Vocal Video