
Givona Jenkins for Certified Educator Testimonial

October 31, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Givona Jenkins

Please introduce yourself - what is your name, location, and occupation?

Givona Jenkins: Hi, my name is Giovanna. I am in Los Angeles, California. I am a stay at home mom and an entrepreneur. What got me excited most about the kid Preneurs certification program is that I am a homeschool mom and I've used the program with some of my kids and I can see the difference between the kids who have used the program and those who didn't and it definitely makes a difference in those kids' lives. Those who have used the program are excited about building a business and those who have not used the program have no interest in it.

Could you share a few details about your overall experience with the program so far?

Givona Jenkins: OK. So this is my second time going through the program. And the new techniques that I found worked for me was that there is a success coach and the, the way the program is lined up or set up is much more effective than just the printouts that I had before. And that actually is a lot more effective and useful and everything is more colorful and organized. So that worked for me.

What are some of the key benefits or features of our Kidpreneurs Certified Educators program that you found most valuable?

Givona Jenkins: Some of the key benefits and features of the certification program is the community meeting up with. The community is very helpful and useful. The app is great and the best thing so far that I've seen is the fact that you give us marketing material that is excellent. And thank you for that.

What advice would you give to parents, educators or entrepreneurs who are interested in becoming a Certified Educator?

Givona Jenkins: For parents educators, entrepreneurs who are interested in becoming a certified educator. For those who are passionate about teaching Children about becoming entrepreneurs. This is a great program and I would recommend signing up because it's a pretty quick program. When you sit down and binge watch it like Netflix for some people, they might need to actually take it bit by bit. But for me, binge watching works well for me just because I'm so passionate and interested in it. So it's like watching TV, for me, but I actually learned a ton and it's a great program and it has little cartoon clips and things. So it's fun and I really enjoyed the program. It's improved a lot. So I would recommend that you sign up today.

How does it feel to be a Kidpreneurs Certified Educator?

Givona Jenkins: Being a kid for nurse certified educator is really exciting for me. I actually love the fact that there is a community that I can be a part of everybody seems very welcoming and I enjoy the meeting that I was able to go to. Um I would love to start uh a winter camp as soon as possible so that I can start teaching kids to open their own businesses and coaching kids and opening their business. That's a passion of mine. I actually have two kids that are starting businesses now and that's fun for me, but I'm really excited about getting started.

Produced with Vocal Video