
Kidane Aaron IBEW Test Testimonial

April 24, 2023

Source: iPREP (https://www.iprep.online/)

Video Transcript

Speaker: Kidane Aaron

Which test did you take and why you took it?

Kidane Aaron: Um, the test that I took was the IBEW electrical aptitude test. Um, I'm pretty sure it's the same for if you're doing inside Wireman. Um, the Tele Prompters. I think that's what it's called. I'm not sure. Or the, the, um, the linemen, the ones that go up, up top and fix the, the poles. But that's the test that I took and, um, you had to, like, fill out a little form or you had to tell them, like which one you were doing and that's pretty much it. Oh. Oh, I took the test because that's the career choice I'm looking for. Looking to be an electrician and I guess working my hands.

Which section of the test was the most challenging for you?

Kidane Aaron: Um the, oh, which part of the test I would say was most hard or challenging. I would say the math test. Um There's two parts on the test that I took the IBEW electrical aptitude test. It was reading comprehension and math. I'm pretty sure the math had, I think 32 questions and you had 46 minutes and it was um, the written comprehension 36. And you had, I think in like 50 something or close to an hour or something, I don't remember, but I feel like you could have got, there should have been more time for the math test because I feel like the reading comprehension is easier. Um I would say the math is cha more challenging because you had to like, um, review a bunch of like old stuff like algebra two. Like here's some of the stuff that I would say like to practice or whatever I would say, um, functions and slopes intercepts. Um Let me see, subtraction, like brushing up on subtraction and um addition, multiplication, decimals, adding with them division and all that stuff. Um, orders of operation. Um Let me see, uh analyzing functions um Also like why? Because M X must be like the graphs and stuff. Um I guess algebra two and algebra one brushing up on both of those are also the, the laws of exponents and whatnot and just like a bunch of stuff in algebra substitution and three variable equations missing variable and, and stuff like that. Um The things that I saw on the test like a lot for the test that I took was a bunch of um let me see if I find an example, but it was, it was like, the question was like a equals one half B minus four. This is um the question from like the um applying for apprenticeship, like uh the thing that they give you in the office to like practice. Um I saw a lot of um like consider the following formula and whatnot. Like when the value of B is uh greater than eight A is pos A or A or A is negative. And you have to find out like which one is, uh which one is like right or wrong. I don't know if you can see that, but I remember having to do a lot of those on the test. But um I would still say that math is like the hardest part. So I would say like, focus on the math, I mean, do some reading comprehension. But if you like read or you know, you're like good at uh understanding information. I would say you do pretty good because the reading comprehension was, it was like, pretty easy. Like you would just find the answers, like right in the text. Like, the question would be there. It was like, where is the apple? And then they would be like, the apple is, I don't know. I mean, it, it was that simple. I don't know if it was like that, that simple. But, you know, it was like, it, it was pretty easy compared to the, the math part.

How was your overall testing experience?

Kidane Aaron: Um, I would say my overall testing experience was pretty good. I mean, it's like normal testing. They take you in. Um, they make sure you, you're on the list, make sure you're a quick person. Check you off and you go sit and you're like, you're cubicle and whatnot and you, you know, he says the rules or she says the rules and, oh, he can, sometimes they give you like a mint or some candy or something, which is nice. I mean, the test and fair, I would say, I mean, it's what it should be. It's like regular, nice. Um, yeah, that's what I remember. It wasn't too, anything, too complicated. There wasn't that many people with me when I was testing so it wasn't that busy. It was just me and, uh, with a few other people at least, maybe, maybe 10 or so, but I'm not sure. I don't really remember but it was like 10, 10, maybe eight or, or 15 or so. Not that many people like we were like, on, on a line or on a row of cubicles and there wasn't that many deaths but, and I'm pretty sure they just killed them all. Not that many people there, but it was chill.

How would you recommend future test takers get ready for the test?

Kidane Aaron: Um how I would recommend feature test takers to get ready is to make sure uh brush up on the math, like algebra one, algebra two, I would say um Khan Academy is pretty good. I think his name is chemistry teacher on youtube. He has some very good videos on math that I kind of forgot but his videos are pretty good. He has a bunch of examples and a bunch of other stuff. Then there's like some, if you search it out, there's like some practice test um like IBEW part two test and whatnot. Um like, but there's like a dropbox, you can find it on like some websites and they have just have a bunch of stuff like it has like adding desk and something that you need to brush up on or whatever. And um I would say um iPREP is pretty good. I mean, I, I would say it's like worth, worth spending the money on. But um there's like a lot of stuff that you can do. But so I mean, if you just, you know, study like a lot or not a lot but make sure you get engrained, you only need like, well, from where I'm at, you only need like a 4 to 4 to eight. So a 4 to 9. Yeah, you only need a four and a nine. So, if you do pretty good on the reading comprehension and do slightly good on the math, I'm pretty sure, I'm not really sure, but as long as, because I, I, I think I did ok on the math portion but, um, I know I did good on the reading comprehension but, um, I'm not sure how I did it on the math, but my score was, it wasn't, it wasn't bad. So I think, well, since it's like, um, the scores are combined together, as long as you do good in reading comprehension and don't do too bad on the math, you should be fine. But I would make sure like you're like a ok on the math. So I would say, you know, um, do what you can to study youtube videos, um, documents, practice, iPREP Khan Academy, whatever and other stuff just make sure that you, like, know what, what to do when you come in and make sure, um, I mean, writing stuff down like is good to remember. I'm pretty sure. So, uh, yeah, that's what I would say.

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