
Max Schwartz for Employee Testimonials

July 19, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Max Schwartz

How did you find your way to your current role at K12 Coalition?

Max Schwartz: I began as an elementary school teacher. And then I found I worked my way into a tech management role for my school sites. and from there, I was inspired by education, technology and wanted to pursue that avenue of education.

Why are core values important to your work at K12 Coalition?

Max Schwartz: Core values are important to the work I do at the K 12 Coalition, because they help me make decisions with my team on a company level. And then they also help me make decisions for our clients, helping guide them to achieve their goals.

What stands out to you about the culture at K12 Coalition?

Max Schwartz: What stands out to me about the culture at the K 12 Coalition is how inspiring of a place it is to work our work, impact school districts, schools, administrators, teachers, students, and that's really important work. So it's, it's a very inspiring place, though, the work that we do is, is very meaningful.

Produced with Vocal Video