
Phillip.simmons for JustAnswer Expert Video Testimonial

April 30, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Philip.simmons

Why do you love helping customers on JustAnswer?

Philip.simmons: I retired from the Marine Corps as an attorney 15 plus years ago and stumbled upon JustAnswer. I was looking for a way to market my services and I found quickly after participating with JustAnswer that I really enjoyed helping individuals directly, honestly trying to keep folks out of court. And I have been doing that ever since.

What types of questions do you get on JustAnswer?

Philip.simmons: I started on JustAnswer, focusing exclusively on military law issues, but I expanded pretty quickly into other areas. And I've, really, I've learned a lot and helped a whole lot of people in various issues ranging from contracts to homeowners associations, to time shares. I mean, the whole gamut of legal dilemmas that exist, I think I've seen.

What’s your most memorable or heartwarming story with a customer?

Philip.simmons: Most memorable or heartwarming story. Honestly, there's been a bunch, but just the past few days, I wound up working with a lady in Florida who was in a contract to sell her home. She did not want to sell her home and we went back and forth. And eventually I wound up getting a copy of the contract. And after reviewing the contract and, and discussing with her, what the contract said, made her realize that she really had a bunch of options and she was so incredibly happy and which made me happy. And that's just one of many, many examples where I've been able to help individuals keeping them out of court, but managing to solve their legal problem.

Produced with Vocal Video