
Brittani Hall for JustAnswer Customer Video Testimonial

July 19, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Brittani Hall, JustAnswer Customer

Introduce yourself and briefly explain the situation that had you seeking professional services?

Brittani Hall: Hi, my name is Brittani Hall. I needed help with a civil litigation. I'm in pro per. So, yeah, I asked a few questions and the expert helped me with my questions and helped me take the right steps to through my litigation process.

What was compelling about JustAnswer that made you choose it?

Brittani Hall: JustAnswer is an affordable platform that helps individuals with their legal needs, questions and yeah, it's pretty cool to use. Try JustAnswer if you need help with anything - legal needs, computer help, anything.

How was your experience with JustAnswer? Was the Expert able to solve your problem thoroughly?

Brittani Hall: After asking a question from JustAnswer, I received a reply in about, less than an hour and they were easy to talk to. I even got a free call to one of the attorneys to help me through, give me some advice to my legal problems. It was great.

What did it feel like to have your question answered by a JustAnswer Expert? (ie. relief, piece of mind, empowerment)

Brittani Hall: After I had my question answered, I felt very confident with my legal proceedings moving forward. He gave me, you know, some confidence and gave me some advice and encouragement. It was great. I recommend it to anybody.

What would you say to a friend if you were describing JustAnswer?

Brittani Hall: If I were recommending JustAnswer to a friend, I would tell them, oh, hey, you need some legal advice or, you know, help with their computer, mechanic problems... You could definitely go to JustAnswer for a small fee a month, you could get help from legal experts, professionals, anyone and, to help you solve your problem and walk you through it. I recommend it to anybody and everybody.

Produced with Vocal Video