
RenzMarkO for JustAnswer Expert Video Testimonial

June 11, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Renz Mark Ocampo

Why do you love helping customers on JustAnswer?

Renz Mark Ocampo: I love helping people on JustAnswer because it allows me to use my background and expertise in electrical engineering and computer to help people with their problem. Seeing the relief and reaction on the customer after the problem was solved, always gives me a sense of purpose and meaning and that wants me to help the customers more in the future.

What types of questions do you get on JustAnswer?

Renz Mark Ocampo: Most of the problems that I encounter on JustAnswer are computer related questions. Common scenarios are basic troubleshooting, computer system settings adjustment, account and information recovery on social media platforms such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Instagram, and many more. Anything under software and hardware category are under my scope. And the fact that there is always something new every day makes it more fun and interesting.

What’s your most memorable or heartwarming story with a customer?

Renz Mark Ocampo: One of the heartwarming experience I had on JustAnswer is when there was an old teacher, which after a Microsoft update cannot open his Microsoft powerpoint anymore, which contains valuable lessons and reports. Well, we were able to solve the problem, but the fact that I can hear his crying voice on the end of the line that made an impact on my life, knowing that his problem was solved and there was a solution given and this platform, JustAnswer, makes it possible.

Produced with Vocal Video