
ObjectsConservator1 for JustAnswer Expert Video Testimonial

June 19, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: ObjectsConservator1

Why do you love helping customers on JustAnswer?

ObjectsConservator1: I've been in the museum collections and conservation field for over 40 years now. And JustAnswer gives me a great opportunity remotely to help customers research and assess their items and also give them advice on restoration and preservation. It's a wonderful opportunity and I really enjoy doing it.

What types of questions do you get on JustAnswer?

ObjectsConservator1: I work in the antiques and appraisals categories and, many of the questions require a fair amount of research to tell people exactly what they have, identifying, uh, items. Sometimes it's a bit of a detective story and, it's wonderful when you could tell somebody that they really didn't know before and also helping them with their preservation issues.

What’s your most memorable or heartwarming story with a customer?

ObjectsConservator1: There are several memorable customers that I've worked with, a few where I've been able to identify their objects of being a fairly high historic and monetary value. Few were maps and historic books as well as one repeat customer who has a large amount of World War Two memorabilia from one of their family members, that's quite broad and important and they're always very happy to find out more of the story that I'm able to uncover for them and also point them in directions of various museums.

Produced with Vocal Video