
JackM1205 for JustAnswer Expert Video Testimonial

August 14, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: JackM1205

Why do you love helping customers on JustAnswer?

JackM1205: One thing I personally love about helping customers on JustAnswer, you know, is since we work remotely, we get to help customers for pretty much every walk of life. Being able to help people with such an ease of access is something we usually take for granted. Myself personally working in a, in a physical location for three or four years. Having access to tools and the ability to help people remotely via phone, via remoting into their computer is something you really take for granted. It's not something that you can do in every job and customers are usually super grateful for that.

What types of questions do you get on JustAnswer?

JackM1205: You know, that's honestly one of the things that amazes me the most about working for JustAnswer is the variety of questions that I get. Working in the consumer electronics department and in other various computer categories, I get things all the way from, you know, my television won't turn on to, could you please help me with configuring some sort of router or network settings? You know, so being an expert on JustAnswer definitely keeps you on your feet and it keeps the experience very interesting. Never get bored of working here, that's one thing I could say for sure.

What’s your most memorable or heartwarming story with a customer?

JackM1205: You know, the beautiful thing about our job, like I said is we're able to help people remotely, you know, sometimes with very simple situations um that have simple solutions but would be impossible for a customer to figure out on their own. I once up the customer with an iPhone where her screen had stopped touching completely, but it was something as simple as walking her through, holding certain buttons down on her phone to refresh the phone. And I was able to get the phone back up and running for her. She lived in a rural area and if not, she was ready to drive probably 45 minutes to the Apple Store and I was able to help her without her having to do that.

Produced with Vocal Video