
EmilyT0920 for JustAnswer Expert Video Testimonial

August 01, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: EmilyT0920, JustAnswer Expert

Why do you love helping customers on JustAnswer?

EmilyT0920: I'm Doctor Emily and I've been a vet for the past 10 years and I love helping customers on JustAnswer because most are so stressed out and panicking because something is wrong with their animals. And I love that I can provide them relief and guidance and calm them down, so they feel less stressed, whether they need to go straight to emergency, whether they can wait and see how their symptoms progress and go to the vet when they're open the next day or if they can do some care at home. So it provides them with that guidance and peace of mind and so that they can be calm and take care of their animals the best way possible.

What types of questions do you get on JustAnswer?

EmilyT0920: The questions I see most often on JustAnswer are animals that have eaten something that they weren't supposed to. A lot of times it's foods like chocolate, other toxic foods, plants or medications, overdoses of medications. This is the most common problem I see. Another problem I see often is vomiting and diarrhea. So these are big problems that are seen very often.

What’s your most memorable or heartwarming story with a customer?

EmilyT0920: One of the most memorable stories for me with a customer was about a cat who was nearing the end of her life. And I was able to guide the owner during this difficult time on signs to look for of decreased quality of life. I'm very passionate about palliative care and I was able to help the customer keep her comfortable during this difficult time so that the client could have less stress and really focus on enjoying these, you know, last moments with her cat.

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