
DebbieM0614 for JustAnswer Expert Video Testimonial

August 20, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: DebbieM0614, JustAnswer Expert

Why do you love helping customers on JustAnswer?

DebbieM0614: I've been a veterinarian for over 20 years and I am board certified in zoo and exotic pet medicine. And I really like working for JustAnswer because I feel like those are pets that oftentimes can't be seen at a general practice. And so a lot of times my clients will tell me that their local vet or the vets in their area will not see exotic pets. And so without this forum, there wouldn't be a way for them to get care and to get advice on their pets.

What types of questions do you get on JustAnswer?

DebbieM0614: The questions I get vary across the spectrum because I'm seeing clients that own goats, sheep, chickens, hamsters, gerbils, dogs, cats, horses, I see a wide range of questions. And especially with the exotic pets, oftentimes the questions are related to diet, husbandry. You know, for fish, it's, you know, what's my water quality? For a gerbil might be, what, you know, should I feed it? For a rabbit, it might be you know, here's its clinical sign. So there's really a wide range of questions that I think are great for people to be able to ask without having to pay to know what, to feed their animal and to care for it properly. So I get a lot of well-being questions in addition to medical questions.

What’s your most memorable or heartwarming story with a customer?

DebbieM0614: So I had a box turtle patient that I got questions about and it wasn't eating and the owner was really concerned and they were trying to decide if they needed to go to an in-person veterinarian or whether they could address some things on their own in talking about husbandry, you know, from water temperature to lighting, to cage size, to diet. We were able to address some concerns and to make that animal better just with husbandry. And I think it allowed me to feel better about helping that turtle live its best life, but also for the owner to also feel that way. And so that was really rewarding.

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