
Becky for Jennifer Franchak Functional Nutrition & Wellness, LLC Video Testimonials

December 17, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Becky, Cycle Breaking Empowerment Coach

Why did you decide to participate in the Flare-up Freedom Workshop?

Becky: Hi, I decided to participate in this workshop because I've suffered from ulcerative colitis for, I don't know, about 8 years, and I'm noticing that two of my children also have some GI issues, so I was really looking for some outside of the box and not, not say non-medical, but also some alternative routes that we could possibly go through.

What did you like the most about this Workshop?

Becky: I would say the best part about this workshop was the level of interaction that there was, um, you know, when you hear a 2 hour webinar, you're like, oh my God, can I sit through something for 2 hours? But the fact that Jennifer was really strategic about breaking it up with bite size breaks and questions and things to be interactive with, it was a huge bonus and it kept the information from me fresher while we were doing the whole exercise.

What was your biggest takeaway?

Becky: I think, well, I had two really big takeaways from the workshop. One is we've heard leaky gut talked about so much in the GI space, but Jennifer did a really good job explaining it in both a way that can be understood and the whole science behind it, which for someone like who like me who requires a lot of information to process, I thought was really good. And the GI map testing information was definitely something super helpful that I took away with and something that I would explore for both myself and my children further.

How do you think the Flare-up Freedom Blueprint will impact your life moving forward?

Becky: I think the flare up blueprint itself is really good because it takes things in stages and steps. So even if you're super busy, super overwhelmed, you can commit to doing the one thing on the list, do that for a set amount of time and then move on to the next thing if you find. Let's say, you know, if you're eliminating a particular food item, for, for instance, it breaks it down strategically as opposed to perhaps a doctor saying, oh, you just got to go off all gluten and all dairy all at the same time, which isn't strategic and sometimes it's not actually doable. So I really did appreciate that part of the blueprint.

Would you recommend this Workshop to others? If so, why?

Becky: So as someone who suffers from ulcerative colitis herself, I know a lot of people who have GI issues, and I have two daughters with some GI issues, you know, so I understand gastroenterology and and the whole GI tract itself. Um, it was definitely still, even for someone like me who's relatively well versed, it was a really great workshop, so I can't imagine for somebody who maybe is even less understanding of like the whole process, they would definitely find it super beneficial. For sure.

Produced with Vocal Video