
Kelly Ward for Empty Nest Full Life Video Testimonials

October 12, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Kelly Ward

Why did you choose to attend the Empty Nest Full Life Retreat?

Kelly Ward: I attended the Empty Nest, Full Life retreat because I am a new empty nester and I just wanted some direction and advice on how to be the best wife and mom I can be in this new season of life and also just, wanting some direction for my life and what, avenue I should take, in this new chapter as well personally.

What was one of the most impactful takeaways for you?

Kelly Ward: One of my biggest takeaways from the retreat was the encouragement and hope that I have as a new empty nest mom that my life isn't over. There's a lot of living left to do and I got some practical tips on how to go about navigating this new season. And also just knowing that God's got my kids and I don't have to stay up at night worrying. I, although I probably will sometimes, but God's got them and they're gonna be, they're gonna be ok.

What would you say to someone who is thinking about attending the retreat?

Kelly Ward: What I would say to someone who's thinking about attending the Empty Nest Full Life retreat is you need to go. It is so much fun. And also at the same time, you are learning so much. Um, not only about yourself but about your family and then also just the other women that are there. I went by myself and I, I had friends the first hour that I was there. And so it, it was such a great weekend. I'm so glad I went. So you need to go.

Produced with Vocal Video