Speaker: Sana Ajmal
Sum up ISPAD in three words...
Sana Ajmal: To me ISPAD is pediatric diabetes leadership.
Why should Patient Advocates join ISPAD?
Sana Ajmal: People with diabetes and their family members should join ISPAD as Advocates because it's our chance. It's really our chance to instigate positive changes in the lives of Children with diabetes across the globe. We may have outgrown our own childhoods. but we do understand and have lived through those years. Some of us may have Children living with diabetes. Not until our authentic voices are heard in the diabetes echo chambers can real change happen, co-creation, co-management and co-governance with diabetes advocates should be a value for every diabetes organization big or small. And I'm glad that ISPAD is taking the lead in making sure that people with diabetes are included in the decision making processes.
What does being part of ISPAD mean to you?
Sana Ajmal: By being part of ISPAD, I feel empowered. I trust that my opinions are heard and valued. It gives me access to resources and knowledge that I can use in my advocacy for improvement in diabetes care in Pakistan, as well as resources that I can share with health professionals to support them in learning about advances in diabetes management.