
Karolina Piątek for ISPAD Video Testimonials - Patient Advocates

October 23, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Karolina Piątek

Sum up ISPAD in three words...

Karolina Piątek: Diabetes, dedication and friendship.

Why should Patient Advocates join ISPAD?

Karolina Piątek: I am honored to be a patient advocate in ISPAD. And why do I think patient advocates should join ISPAD: First things first, it's collaboration. Advocates can network with healthcare professionals, researchers and other advocates. They can promote better care for young people with diabetes. Second thing education. As patient advocates, we have access to the latest research treatment approaches and educational resources. By having that, we can also influence other patients with diabetes. And of course, what I said the influence so we can contribute to the policy, awareness campaigns and initiatives that improve patient care.

What does being part of ISPAD mean to you?

Karolina Piątek: Being a part of ISPAD is a huge honor for me. It means contributing to a global effort to improve the lives of people with diabetes. It's being informed about the latest advancements, having a voice in shaping the future in diabetes care. But it also means meeting wonderful people who try to achieve a better word for people with diabetes.

Produced with Vocal Video