
Melissa Rowley for Isaac Health

May 15, 2024

Melissa Rowley talks about why she joined Isaac Health and how it relates to her own experience as a caregiver.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Melissa Rowley

Melissa Rowley: I could not be more thrilled to work alongside these really smart innovators at, at Isaac Health. They are certainly on a mission to improve the lives of persons living with dementia and also Alzheimer's. And what's also exciting to me is that they get the fact that the family caregiver is what I call the true care team and the true quarterback in that home that helps keep these loved ones from having to go to a skilled nursing facility. And the support that Isaac gives to this dyad is remarkable. I know this journey all too well because I was a family caregiver to my mother and it was an honor to be her family caregiver with dementia. But my journey started with her and the challenges started from the very beginning. I'm trying to find the right neurologist, trying to find the right treatment, et cetera. And it was definitely a journey and I certainly wish that I had had an Isaac in my life during during those days. So I just want to thank you Isaac Health for allowing me to walk alongside with you on this journey. And this mission to try and improve the lives of people and persons living with dementia and Alzheimer's. It's truly an honor. Thank you.

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