
Julius Bruch | Isaac Health

June 03, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Julius Bruch

Julius Bruch: Hi, I'm Julius. I'm the CEO of Isaac Health. Like for so many others, I have a deep personal connection to dementia because growing up, I saw my own grandmother Gretel suffer from a rare form of dementia. And for over a decade, I witnessed firsthand the strain this places on her family. Some of the most challenging moments I remember include the initial suspicions that something just wasn't quite right and it was awkward to bring it up to then ultimately having to move her into the family home and ultimately, the very difficult decision to have to move her into a nursing home. However, this journey also wasn't without its moments of togetherness and resilience. Our family came together to find solutions and support throughout each of these difficult times. And today with increasing advancements in dementia research, there's also a lot more hope for families dealing with this condition. So when we founded Isaac Health, it was very much in the belief that all families going through this journey deserve access to the latest treatments and experts in the field. So we're committed here at Isaac Health to provide the best possible care and support, to help families, like you navigate this journey with hope and confidence.

Produced with Vocal Video