
Benjamin Sammons IBEW Test Testimonial

October 11, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Benjamin Sammons

Which test did you take and why you took it?

Benjamin Sammons: The test I took was the IBEW aptitude test. and the reason I took it was to become an electrical apprentice for the union.

Which section of the test was the most challenging for you?

Benjamin Sammons: I'd say the most challenging part of the test was the beginning of the mathematics section where they had a sequence of numbers and you had to decipher the last mystery number based on the relationship of the sequence of numbers. That was probably the hardest because I didn't prep for that. I just prepped for the algebra portion. I did a bunch of like polynomials, quadratics. All of that, but the simple number sequences was, it was probably the hardest part.

How was your overall testing experience?

Benjamin Sammons: The overall experience was pretty good. I'd say, I mean, it's just taking a test, they give you a laptop, some scratch paper, a pencil and, sit you in a classroom with about 15, 20 people. and they give you a break in the middle. but overall it was a great experience. Yeah.

How would you recommend future test takers get ready for the test?

Benjamin Sammons: So what I would recommend as far as preparation goes for the IBEW aptitude test would be to get really good at doing math without a calculator. Those long division problems, those multiplication problems, most of the time we use the calculator, but on the test, you can't use one. So get good just using your pencil, just those simple lung division problems and multiplication problems. You can't be second guessing yourself and your ability to multiply four digit numbers, three digit numbers, so on and so forth. That should be drilled into you. You should be able to do that for sure because you don't have time to, to get caught up in a just simple multiplication problem because the problems are more complicated than that on the test and you don't have a calculator. So you can't use a calculator. So get good with just a pencil and a piece of paper. look over algebra problems. finding the X values, practice manipulating equations to get to isolate certain variables. start reading books and articles just to hone that reading comprehension ability because you, you don't wanna have time in the reading comprehension section to constantly be referring back to and rereading the article. you don't have time. So practice reading and remembering and really focusing on a big chunk of text without getting caught up and any sort of like paragraph. and yeah, just practice reading, practice doing math without a calculator. That's all I'd say. The iPREP course that I took was more than enough. especially the, the mathematics portion. I was definitely over prepared when I went in and that was a pretty good feeling. So, yep. Get good without a calculator and start reading books and articles and you'll be good.

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