
Bri & Loren Testimonial

May 09, 2023

Video Transcript

Well, it's been over 12 months. We're a little overdue. It's been on our to do list every weekend since July 2022. So we would like to do a massive shout out to Dan from Over and Above (now InvestLogic), who went the extra mile. That's how cold it is. He went the extra mile in helping us find a house in Brisbane. We're based in Sydney. We had a pretty particular list of things that we were looking for and Dan was in the middle of Brisbane's big wet season. Can you tell my glasses are fogging up anyway, Dan went with wet socks and inspected all sorts of houses for us and gave us his view. He looked at things that we would never have thought of looking at in a million years, peeled up the edges of carpet, looked at architraves, looked at the maintenance of a house. Things that honestly, we just wouldn't have thought of. You know, we didn't get over the line on a couple of houses, but Dan, kept our spirits up, kept looking and gave us great TV recommendations. So shout out to Dan for that. And really the whole team I think gave us a great experience. Tech enabled, which was great. I thought these guys know what they're doing, because they have some tech systems and work flows that really support digital transactions. Which was great, but it was the relationship maintenance. We still get messages from Dan asking how we're doing. When are we moving back to Queensland? How are our job at the Olympics going? So, Dan, and the rest of the team. Thank you so much for all of the help that you gave us. Couldn't recommend them highly enough. If you're thinking of using a buying agent, we had a great experience! And 12 months too late, is right on time. So I hope you guys find this useful. Thanks. Bye. Thanks.

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