
Courageous Coaching For Leaders Works

May 02, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Miguel Eichelberger, Associate Director, Content & Communications

What did you love about the Courageous Coaching for Leaders course with Inspired Results Group?

Miguel Eichelberger: So what did I love about courageous coaching for leaders by inspired Results Group? Um So, for me, it is beyond a doubt, the most surprising and transformational experience I've had in a leadership course space, especially as I learn what it means to actually lead. Um And I think it's because the, the, the tools and skills that it provides you in that room um really do demonstrate what it means to lead. Like you have no choice when you're in that space, you start to see how it works, you start to see even the people who might be like some harder cases start to come out of their shells and start to be more open, more vulnerable. And you see the light bulb go on, you see the click happening as you're being led into these spaces that aren't natural, at least not in the current landscape in leadership. Um But once you get there, you get to see these gifts that are kind of undeniable.

What did you take away from the course that you use every day?

Miguel Eichelberger: So what did I take away from the course um that I use every day like there's so much. Um But the, the key thing for me I think was um I really learning to listen better. Um learning to listen for potential instead of for problems. I found that that automatically changes the way I show up in the workspace, it automatically changes the way I show up for my team. And um even for how I show up for when it comes to my family and any sort of conversations I'm having because um listening for potential takes you out of those reactionary spaces um and puts you into a place where you're far more present with what's happening in the moment and it provides you opportunities to ask those wonderful questions. Another one of the skill sets that's given in there, which is to double click on themes to really see those themes to see, not just what's being said, but what isn't being said all the subtext underneath. Um So listening for Potential and double clicking was a big big one for me.

Why would you recommend Courageous Coaching to another leader?

Miguel Eichelberger: So I would recommend courageous coaching for leaders um to any leader and to even any parent. Um I would recommend it for anybody who has people that they want to see grow and thrive and become their best selves because the tools that it provides and that I have witnessed um it activates the kind of critical thinking that you can't do when you're in a reactionary space. It activates the kind of expansive thinking and helps you get your people back to that 10,000 ft view, back to that 20,000 ft view so that they can see everything within its entire context and not just within its immediate space. Um It teaches people to lead themselves, which the best leaders do, the best leaders create leaders. So I would highly recommend this course if that's what you wanna do and I promise you what it is, you want to create leaders on your team that take charge that are courageous, that are vulnerable and that broadcast that out beyond themselves because that's how you make an effective team, one that can face any adversity that comes its way

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