
Vanessa Muscara for INREV Committee Rotation

July 04, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Vanessa Muscara, Europa

1. What projects does your committee work on?

Vanessa Muscara: The INREV Research Committee is currently working on a number of topical papers, ranging from asking ourselves the question is property an inflation hedge or looking at transition risk from various angles including the impact on performance and valuations or looking at the role of debt, how it plays a part in decarbonising the built environment. We're looking at supporting INREV in rolling out its latest publication, the Consensus Indicator which captures market sentiment as a leading indicator to property cycles, peaks and troughs. And lastly, we continually look to improve the content of regular INREV publications including the Fund Manager Report and the quarterly Market Insights report.

2. What is coming up next year?

Vanessa Muscara: One thing we're really keen to do is to improve both inter-committee and cross-committee collaboration. So looking to support the Performance Measurement committee in its goal to improve access and utilisation of INREV performance tools. So things like the Asset Level Index or the Investor Vehicle Analysis Tool. We're also looking to invite members of the INREV ESG committee to take part in our transition risk topical paper where the structure and length of all these outputs is flexible and can range from a 500-word INREV IQ article or a short paper co-written with up to three committee members.

3. What involvement (time and effort) is required to be on your committee?

Vanessa Muscara: From as little as dedicating one hour a month, attending our monthly calls or getting stuck into researching one of the many topics relevant to our industry. So things like looking at what's currently driving performance or how low leverage and regulation has impacted the performance of the last cycle. Overall, I'd say it's great fun. It's a great way to meet expert professionals and build your network.

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