
Claire George for INREV Committee Rotation

July 04, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Claire George, SavillsIM

1. What projects does your committee work on?

Claire George: The INREV Technology Committee is currently working on the library of case studies looking at how technology can help INREV members. We are also working on a series of papers covering ESG related technology. Again with regards to application for INREV members. Finally, we also meet regularly to discuss our own experiences with regards to technology, how it is advancing and how we as members are utilizing it and gaining best practice.

2. What is coming up next year?

Claire George: We've only started our technology case study library this year. So I hope next year we can expand it further. Looking at the practical applications of technology for real estate across the industry and specifically for INREV members. I also hope that we as industry professionals can work together more to help progress technological adoption across the real estate sphere.

3. What involvement (time and effort) is required to be on your committee?

Claire George: The INREV Technology Committee meets every couple of months or so. And in between those meetings, we have various subgroups who work independently supported by myself as chair and by INREV. Those independent subgroups are covering the progress of our case study library that I've previously mentioned and also working on topics which often become papers published by INREV. Any new joiner who's interested in technology, the practical application of technology across real estate and how it can really progress efficiency and take our industry forward is welcome to join. I look forward to hearing from you. Cheers.

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