
Ilyasah N Shabazz for Indigo Innovation Group Testimonial

January 29, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Ilyasah N Shabazz, Senior Operations and Communications Director, Philanthropy Together

Introduce yourself by sharing your name, organization, and title.

Ilyasah N Shabazz: My name is IIyasha N Shabazz and I am the senior operations and communications director at Philanthropy Together. We are a global initiative to grow and strengthen the collective giving movement.

Why did you engage Tracey and Indigo Innovation Group, and what were the critical areas that I helped you focus on?

What expertise did I bring, and what was unique about working with me?

Ilyasah N Shabazz: Tracey has a long history in philanthropy and collective giving. And what I am so amazed and inspired by is Tracey's understanding of trust based philanthropy, and how to really give with your community. And involving them throughout every step of the process. And really also recognizing the knowledge and expertise that people who do the work on the ground and are working in our communities have, and that everyone in the community can really bring to strengthen the community.

Highlight specific achievements, challenges overcome, and our collaboration's value to you and your organization.

Ilyasah N Shabazz: Through the racial equity community of practice, there were several groups who participated, close to 100 different giving circles who were looking to come in a deeper alignment and deepen their commitment to racial equity and justice in their collective giving group. And when the community of practice took place, people were home, people were craving connection. And that was something that our work with Tracey was able to provide, was really a learning space, a community, a place where folks can bring their full self and their experiences and have just open dialogue and have the space to also fail. And Tracey was great about calling folks in and also just naming things that most people don't want to say out loud when having these conversations because it makes them uncomfortable. And I think that Tracey is able to do that with such grace and also keeping it in the spirit of learning, and also in the spirit of community.

Provide inspirational words you would like to share to invite others to work with me and Indigo Innovation Group.

Ilyasah N Shabazz: Tracey Greene-Washington is a powerhouse; definitely someone who I am honored and just extremely proud that I know, and am able to work with in this movement of collective giving and generosity, and so, I definitely invite others to work with Tracey and to just witness her brilliance and be able to learn from her, her experiences, and the research and all that she is able to provide for us in our work.

Produced with Vocal Video