
Blake McKenzie for Client Testimonial Videos

September 06, 2022

Client testimonial video for personal training and nutrition coaching offered by In-situ Collective

Video Transcript

Speaker: Blake McKenzie, Director , IPN Valuers

Could you describe a time that In-situ Collective helped you?

Blake McKenzie: So effectively, I've been stuck in a routine stuck in an office and working nonstop in situ have helped me not only count calories, which has effectively helped me get more active, but I'm a hell of a lot stronger and I get held accountable, which is really all year after.

How would you describe In-situ Collective in three words?

Blake McKenzie: Reliable, flexible, painful.

Why is In-situ Collective different from other similar products or services?

Blake McKenzie: I guess the big difference that I've found is in situ collective have personalized and tailor the experience. To me, it's not a matter of go to a class, sitting there with a group of people and do all the ship that you hate. I found the things that I enjoy and the things that I like doing and they've accommodated that into my routine. They've made it so that sticking to a routine and getting fit has been enjoyable as opposed to a tedious task. And that really I find has resonated with me over other trainers I've had in the past.

Produced with Vocal Video