
George S: Imago Rehab Patient Story

February 16, 2024

George, a patient of Imago Rehab, shares his story about how his stroke has impacted his life and the progress he has made since working with Imago Rehab.

Video Transcript

Speaker: George S., Stroke Survivor

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

George S.: Hi, I'm George Stone. I'm 64 years old.

George S.: Three and a half years ago. I had my stroke. Um, it is what it is.

How did your stroke impact you?

George S.: When I left the hospital after I had a stroke, I was paralyzed on my right side. My leg, my whole right side, my arm, and especially my, talking. I can't talk very good. So that's been tough.

What is different about rehab with Imago?

George S.: I've been using Imago for six, seven, eight months, I don't know, but it's working out very good.

George S.: Um I think the main difference with Imago is they wanna work with with me. Um I have two technicians, therapists, that work with me, two times a week. They try real hard to help me. So I'm really impressed with that. They also, at the end of the each session, they do a quick overview of what we did and say what I did good and what I did bad.

George S.: So I'm very happy with it.

How has Imago helped you?

George S.: Uh, let me see. Um, they have done a lot of different things to work, with me me, um, from grabbing a piece of paper, grabbing a pencil, grabbing a hammer, opening up the doors of a cabinet, um

George S.: a lot of different things, a lot of different things.

George S.: I have seen a vast improvement in whatever I'm doing, whatever I'm doing. They work with me very hard, very hard. So I'm very happy.

Produced with Vocal Video