
IINSIGHT Video Testimonial

May 24, 2024

Video Transcript

1. Tell us about you and your company. This is a chance for you to share your business to the world.

Hey, this is Dale Wakefield. I'm the general manager of Sea Change Health Professionals. We're an allied health business that works mainly virtually, with people across Australia. And so we provide services for physiotherapy, occupational therapy, dietetics, podiatry, speech pathology. We do a lot of home care and NDIS work. We need a bit of behaviour support. and yeah, effectively. We've been just looking for what was the right software for us. And we've definitely tried a few, over the last couple of years. Yeah. that's where we came across. iinsight. I think effectively, just the way that it worked. Was it was really quick to get back to us. Really great demo. And I think what stood out to us was the team just knowing the product really well and being able to showcase how the product was utilised for us. So as a small to medium business, it can be a bit daunting. and you know how big some of these products are the types of customizations you can do. But I guess with the team, being able to really narrow down what would work for us. And so we're months into our journey now, probably about six months or so, so really happy to do this review for iinsight. And we're still finding layers of features that continue to improve our operations and just one recently in the last couple of weeks, allowing us to assign costs into the actual staff costs. And so we could have a better, better reports and dashboards coming out around our services and our our cost to provide those services or the cost of the goods sold in that space. I also just got a call from our account manager. Hi, Kym. With all the features that iinsight are releasing. And there's a few really exciting ones in there around procurement documents, sending and signing and other things that we know will continue to enhance. The operations staff have really loved transitioning onto iinsight. Really just the full spectrum of things that it does has made it a lot easier for us. we've grown significantly since we signed up with iinsight, but we haven't had to recruit more administration staff, so I think for me, that's probably the biggest thing. Is the ability to grow without adding admin. Previously, we wouldn't have been able to to push into that next level of scale. without putting on more admin staff due to the burden, of just, you know, having to handle more files, I guess. Uh, so yeah, really happy, with iinsight and what it's provided. I'm really looking forward to the iinsight app to make usability on mobile even better than it is now. really I mean, I if you're not sure, and you're looking around at different software's out there and there's quite a few in the allied health space, but, there's none that I've seen that are probably as easy and quick to stand up as iinsight that have the level of features that if you just take a few moments to make sure you get that right at the beginning, that I can promise you will make your life, your business, your operations and and even just the satisfaction of your staff, a heck of a lot better and easier to manage. So, yeah, I totally recommend it. Thank you. Bye.

Produced with Vocal Video