Speaker: Clara Isabel Mejia, Student, Georgia State University
What insight from the CBC Conference will stick with you, and why?
Clara Isabel Mejia: Inside from the CBC conference that stuck with me is building a sense of community that could be expanding your network or also joining platforms that address different critical issues.
What was your experience like at ICSC’s CBC reception? Share a standout moment.
Clara Isabel Mejia: My experience at the ICSC CBC reception included networking, not only with industry professionals, but also students. And I think that's important because not only are we building friendships, but we can also build partnerships.
What one piece of advice would you give to first-time student attendees of the CBC?
Clara Isabel Mejia: A piece of advice that I would give to a first time student attendee is to get out of your comfort shell and to talk to everybody in the room that you're surrounded with because they have a wealth of knowledge.