Speaker: Quaid Ring
Which course or program did you enroll in at HVACRedu.net
Quaid Ring: Hello. My name is Quid Ring. I am taking the boiler class here online at HVACRedu.net. So far it's been going pretty good. It's a boiler class. The book that I was told to get was a little bit different than the ones that you guys are doing. That's the only problem that I can think of. So that's been kind of an issue, but besides that, it's pretty good. I really like the format, it's pretty nice interface, everything's going pretty smoothly. The tests are nice. Yeah, and overall it's a good website. I'm glad that my community college in Cabo Montana has access to it and I can get certified for boilers through it. And yeah, I'm really glad to be a part of the class, part of your guys' program. So thank you and yeah, I'm glad to keep moving along with the Boiler Program and eventually get certified. So thank you guys.
How well do you feel the course or program met your expectations? Can you share any specific experiences or examples?
Quaid Ring: My first video, I kind of went into this a little bit. I didn't realize that there was multiple questions and multiple videos. But the question is how well do you feel the course or program met your expectations? Can you share any specific examples or experiences? My, my expectations pretty well. I feel like the communication with my schooling and getting the right book was incorrect because you guys are asking me to have, I believe the low pressure boilers book two and four maybe and we have five. So and I believe that's because we're going up like we're up to date with the fifth book and you guys are behind. So that's kind of a struggle. But besides that, that's about it.
Has attending HVACRedu.net helped your career? If so, how?
Quaid Ring: I work at air serve in Crest Montana. And at that job, I'm an install technician as of right now and it actually has helped my career knowing more about boilers and obviously, once I finish, finish the course, it'll help out significantly because I'll actually be able to work on boilers and service them and everything that a boiler needs. I will be certified and be able to do. So when I get to that point, it will most definitely have helped my career. But even as of right now being in the course, um it has helped, there's been questions I've been able to answer because of this course.
Would you recommend our courses or programs to others? Why or why not?
Quaid Ring: I would recommend this course to other people. And in fact, I have people that I work with that would like to get into boilers. I have told them about this course through my community college. And some of them have probably started joining because they've been really interested and I said that it's a good course and it's quite easy. You can do it on your own time. And it's just nice to get it all through online at my house whenever I am available after work before work I can do it. I don't need anybody else. I just do it all right here.
Were there any areas you think could be improved? If so, what are they and how do you think they could be better?
Quaid Ring: Areas that I think you guys can prove on is again, with the books you guys are telling me to read this book in these pages. But the book that I was told to get from my community college is the wrong book. And I believe that's for you guys because where the book that we were told to get is the fifth edition, which is up to date. And I believe that's what we should be learning about because that's what we're in, we're not in 2010 or 2005, we're in 2023. We should be as up to date as we can. And that's the biggest thing. I don't know where to be reading this stuff that I need to be learning for the test that you guys give out.