
Happy Thanksgiving-Angelle DeGruy Morley

November 22, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Angelle DeGruy Morley

Happy Thanksgiving from....

Angelle DeGruy Morley: Hey guys, I here and I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is actually my favorite holiday. I love celebrating what I'm grateful for. And um the people that are in my life, those that have been here for um since I was born and then new people that have come into my life. So thank you all for being just a wonderful team to work with. I'm grateful for each and every one of you. Happy Thanksgiving.

What is your favorite holiday dish?

Angelle DeGruy Morley: So my favorite Thanksgiving dish is oysters Bienville. I may live in California but no one is going to take the New Orleans out of this girl. And that is a very traditional New Orleans meal. If anybody ever wants the recipe for oysters Bienville, I'm your girl.

What is a Thanksgiving Tradition you cherish?

Angelle DeGruy Morley: So, um I have two favorite uh Thanksgiving traditions and one is very traditional. It is um the act of going around the table and saying what we're grateful for. I really love hearing it from my children's perspective um to know what impacted them through the year and what really touches their heart. And then the other one is um much more superficial. I really enjoy um Black Friday shopping and it's not for the deals because I really could care less about that. It's um just something I've always done with my family and then not having family here. Um I have uh my family, uh friends that um do that with me on Black Friday. So it's something that I've done my whole life and I really enjoy the time with um the people I do that with.

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