
Michele Licea for Hearing and Brain Centers Application

July 16, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Michele Licea

Start by letting us know who you are, what position you are applying, and in what city/state.

Michele Licea: Hello, my name is Michelle Aia and a little bit about me. I have been working eight plus years in the medical field as a patient advocate and the most current six years uh working for coding and billing. Um I am applying for the position of treatment scheduler and I currently live in Hurricane Utah.

Why should we hire you?

Michele Licea: I believe I would be a great fit for the team because I possess very strong work ethic. I am highly motivated and organized. I believe in being open and honest with management, especially if I believe I still need further training or guidance. I prefer not to make mistakes if I can prevent them. And also, so my experience um includes right, wide range of medical billing as well as medical terminology, clerical work, insurance, reimbursement of procedures. And I am also a great team player, but if needed, I can also be a great team lead.

What is your greatest accomplishment so far?

Michele Licea: I believe one of my biggest professional achievements was being recognized by my coding supervisor. In my previous career, I was a medical biller coder and I was working in a team project to help with nursing home charges. So I helped with giving a coder's point of view on what would be the easiest fastest way to create a spreadsheet that was then forwarded over to a data entry team that would then um continue with posting. And I was uh rewarded for that because I helped tremendously in making the job quicker, faster, more effectively and also created more revenue to come back into the hospital.

Describe your ‘perfect’ day?

Michele Licea: A perfect day as a scheduler to me would be starting early in the morning, listening to voicemails and making a list of priority. If I hear any calls that sounded urgent, take care of those first. Next would be to read and review emails again. Prioritizing to what are the most important or time consuming first in addressing them. Next. If patients are already coming in and walking into an appointment, have any questions or paperwork that they need to fill out, ready to make their check in as fast as smooth as possible. And lastly, if there's any downtime during the day, I would try to do like independent work. For example, if I've missed anything like scanning paperwork, um faxing anything just to keep me busy or review the next day's schedule, that way I can be one step ahead on work that day.

In the next 3-5 years where do you see yourself personally and professionally. Share as many details as you are comfortable with.

Michele Licea: Since starting my career in the medical field, I do have a passion when it comes to the medical billing side of things. So if I have an opportunity 3 to 5 years from now to move into a billing department, I would definitely take that opportunity. And on the personal level, I am very family oriented. So of course, I want to be a great daughter, granddaughter, uh daughter-in-law wife, and I have achieved one of those goals when it comes to family because I have moved out of State of Missouri to be closer to them. I have two elderly grandparents that have started suffering from dementia as well as hearing loss. And I believe um starting in this career path would even give me a better understanding on how to help them and be useful to them.

Who do you think of for; motivation, inspiration and direction? Why

Michele Licea: I believe my biggest motivation and inspiration will always be my dad. I know that for many they say dads are like heroes. But to me, he literally was one. I grew up in an extremely impoverished household. I come from a family of immigrants and just to give an example, I was never able to get a formula as I was growing up, they couldn't afford it. And uh breastfeeding was not an option because of health reasons. So what I was given was um boiled rice milk instead as I grew up. But my father never gave up instead. He worked one full time job, one part time job as well as attending night school for college so that he could get a career. And so I just feel like he did all that to better himself to better the family if that's not a motivation enough for me to do the best I can. I don't know what is.

What gives you a sense of Purpose?

Michele Licea: A sense of purpose that worked to me is knowing that I made an impact in our patients, that I'm able to contribute excellent care, efficient service. And sometimes all they want is someone to listen to their grievances. I've learned throughout the years that listening attentively really does change a person's day and being recognized by either team leads or supervisors um for doing those little details and um giving our best to our patients is very rewarding.

What does success look like to you?

Michele Licea: Success in my eyes is great communication and collaboration with my management. Also gaining experience and advancing to further my career where perhaps it could lead to either a raise or promotion. But overall, I feel like it's defined by my own hard work and focus. Um I'm always willing to learn and to further my education and that by itself opens so many doors to many more opportunities in the future.

What would be your top 3 book recommendations regardless of genre and why?

Michele Licea: I am a very big fan of romance and mystery novels. So, some that are very familiar to people is an example like Sherlock Holmes, um, in regards to romance, pride and prejudice. And I'm currently reading a book right now. It's called Swan. I'm a very much a big, um, book reader. Um, I also have this one's a Mystery Birds of a Feather. Uh, don't ask me about books because I have a ton of books I'm reading is a passion of mine.

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