
HealthSnap Care Navigator Testimonial - Jennifer Rubel, LVN

May 22, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Jennifer Rubel LVN, Care Navigator

What is your full name and title?

Jennifer Rubel LVN: Hi, my name is Jennifer Rubel. I'm an LVN. I'm also Care Navigator here for about 2.5 years at HealthSnap. And I love my job and taking care of my patients making a personal connection with each and every one of them.

What drew you to HealthSnap? What is your why?

Jennifer Rubel LVN: What has drawn me to HealthSnap is previously, a few of us nurses were working at another company that didn't have the same values. And when Erin and Chantelle came over from the company previously, we worked at I came over too because they said this place has the best core values. They are family friendly, they care about the care that we do with the patients. And our goal is to not leave any patient behind.

Can you share what a typical day in the life of a Care Navigator looks like?

Jennifer Rubel LVN: Here at HealthSnap for me a typical day of being a care navigator is I log in, in the mornings. The first thing I do is check my voicemails my emails and then any text messages that I may have received from my patients. And then I like to call them back as the beginning of the day. So that way they know that I care about them after I get that done, then I do go through my list and I just reach out to every patient. If they're a dual enrolled, I keep them on the phone. I go over their education. I go over their medication compliance, update their care plan. Give them advice on ways that they can promote a healthy heart if that's their issue. Whether that being through diet, through exercise for the RPM program, I'm very consistent about making sure that my patients are checking the readings daily, taking the readings daily. And then also I kind of go over and explain to them how the readings are doing if I see something out of the ordinary where they had a high reading that day and they didn't take it, I gave them the protocol. we want you to sit down and rest for 5 to 10 minutes and then try and recheck it kind of explain to them. You could have been up doing something. Maybe the cuff was placed incorrectly on your arm. And then I also asked them if they can kind of remember that day, like if they had any symptoms, how they were feeling if they had did something differently. If their blood sugar is high, I will ask them, what did you eat for dinner last night? Just to try and reiterate that our diet and being active play a crucial part in our health.

What do you enjoy most about being a Care Navigator at HealthSnap?

Jennifer Rubel LVN: What I enjoy best about being a care Navigator here in HealthSnap is the relationship that I have with my patients. Most of them I have had, a couple of years now and they know that I'm gonna be calling, they expect me to be calling them. They're happy to hear from me every time I try and go over something different with them just to help give them some education on ways to manage their chronic conditions. I also enjoy with HealthSnap that they are very family friendly orientated. They really do care about their employees and they care about the patients and making sure that we reach every patient. Our goal here at HealthSnap is to not leave a patient behind.

What is your favorite memory of working with a patient at HealthSnap?

Jennifer Rubel LVN: One of my favorite memories. working with a patient here at HealthSnap was I did have one patient when she first became on board and she was having a lot of issues with, saying her throat was really sore and she would get kind of these little pus pockets on the back of her throat. Well, she was doing an inhaler. And so I had to ask her, do you rinse your mouth out every time after you use the inhaler? Because that medication can sit on the back of your throat and it can cause thrush. We come to find out. She had never rinsed her mouth out after using that. So we got a hold of the doctor. We got her a little swish and swirl medication that would help get rid of the symptoms that she was having. And then when I spoke to her again the previous month, she was all better. She's been rinsing her mouth out after each use of using her rescue inhaler and she hasn't had that problem anymore. She was so thankful and happy that I had told her that because she had said no one had explained that to her before about rinsing your mouth out after using a rescue inhaler.

Would you recommend working as a Care Navigator at HealthSnap to a trusted friend or colleague?

Jennifer Rubel LVN: Would I recommend working as a Care Navigator at HealthSnap to a trusted friend or colleague? Most definitely I would. I have reached out to some of my nursing friends and they have also started working at HealthSnap. And then even as a non care Navigator, my daughter is an enrollment specialist here at HealthSnap. My niece is an enrollment specialist here at HealthSnap and my mother-in-law is an onboarding specialist here at HealthSnap. Every one of them had said how grateful and thankful they are that I recommend this company to them because it has changed their life also.

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