Speaker: Viktoriia
Viktoriia : Hello. My name is Victoria and I'm currently in the second year of media and communications course at Loughborough. I'm originally from Ukraine, but because of work I need to relocate and currently [have] lived two years in the UK
In One Word, how would you describe your experience as a #Me Ambassador?
Viktoriia : I would choose a word empowering because my key topic of why I want to be an ambassador at hashtag me was to understand how I can be a leader of community, what leader I can be and how I can create community For me, it was really important to create a team make people working on their mental health every week and create more than just a group. Create friendship, create someone who wants to open about the sensitive topics like mental health.
What was the most rewarding part of being a #Me Ambassador?
Viktoriia : I think Hashtag Me give me a lot of opportunity to be a leader of a team of people because I was in charge. It was a lot of process and it's given me opportunity to impact in how people build community, how people support each other, what issues they have and how they can communicate with each other. I think it's definitely rewarding for me as I can understand what leader I want to be in the future, and when I'm going to my working place as well. It's really developed my communication skills as a leader because sometimes, before I was still struggling with being a strict leader. But Hashtag Me teach me how to create deadlines, explain people what they need but as well will be nice and the friendship I think it's really rewarding for me for my future and for my mental health and creating a relationship with people
How has the #Me course helped you?
Viktoriia : I think Hashtag Me give me a lot of freedom in how I can do stuff and as well as support means this, they give me a lot of opportunities to be a leader to support a logistic, commit to support people visiting events and a lot of different activities. I think it's definitely will be useful for me in the future as I plan to join events marketing in the future. So I think it will be definitely useful to understand how small event running like Hashtag Me meetings and stuff to my future big events, as well as saying Hashtag Me give me a lot of opportunity to communicate with people about the issue especially mental issues Like how they want to be involved in something how they build relationships with communication and as well fixing problems is definitely a face a lot. And I'm really happy that, Hashtag Me was always for me But as well as they give me an opportunity to understand how to fix problems
What is your advice for future #Me Ambassadors?
Viktoriia : I think my main advice is going into ambassador role with understanding that your main goal is to support people with their mental health because it can sound rewarding for a certificate. It can sound rewarding for a lot of opportunity Something else but [you] mainly need to understand. You help people. Give your time, your effort because sometimes you will receive calls when people will want your help Sometimes you will need to develop your personal time for ambassador role. But I think it's such rewarding when you understand that in the end of the day you make people's life, but you change their experience. You help with their mental health. You help them to find friends because currently I'm still friends with my first group, which I was participating in, and I think it's definitely really rewarding to feel that you give a lot of effort and a lot of change people's lives and their mental health