
Nik Barrows for GREG GRAY OPEN MIC🎙️LIVE Video Testimonials

August 08, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Nik Barrows, Agency Owner, The Barrows Agency

How would you describe your experience with GREG GRAY OPEN MIC🎙️LIVE and how it has benefited you as an insurance professional?

Nik Barrows: The Greg Greg training has been incredible for our team here at the Barrows Agency. It's been incredible because our team has been able to interact in these trainings compared to some of the other ones where they might be just watching a video and doing something else in the background. So one thing that's amazing about how Greg does things is he mentions people's names throughout the training, calls them out, forcing us to be involved. And by doing so, it retains the memory, gets it to be a little bit more lively and just makes the class more engaging too. So it's not a lot of time, usually 45 minutes or so, but it's a great amount of time just to kind of, you know, check out of what we have to do because it's easy with stress from work, slowing us down, checking on emails. And when we have training like this, where we're kind of forced to be involved, it causes us to kind of, you know, like, step away from that and put our focus in and makes it easier to like learn a thing or two. So.

Can you share a specific success story or "aha moment" that resulted from OPEN MIC🎙️LIVE training?

Nik Barrows: As an agency owner, it takes a little bit more than just sales to run a business and do it effectively. And one thing I really enjoy about the Greg Gray courses is like for, the management track, he has a really good breakdown of just how to, you know, communicate with the team, do reports and encourage them accordingly. And so a lot of us agency owners, we tend to get in the business being really good at sales, but we don't know how to effectively manage a team. And when we invest in training, very few of us actually invest into training about management. We might read a couple of books and all, but we never have something that, you know, gives us like a, "Hey, this is what the scenario is", where we interact and all. So, having this portion of the training is incredible and I will say just me personally, I've been able to use a lot of these nuggets that have actually helped me be more effective in communicating with my team and getting them to be more in line with the agency goals.

“What about OPEN MIC🎙️LIVE do you find most valuable, and why would you recommend it to others?”

Nik Barrows: One of my favorite aspects of the OPEN MIC 🎙️ is just how involved Greg is and how he tries to get the whole team engaged. A lot of the training materials that I've used in the past, typically you watch a video or even if it's live, they kind of talk about it. and they might pause for asking questions, get a couple of people involved and they answer it and just kind of move on. There's very few enthusiasm and one thing about Greg is like, you can tell he's passionate about the subject, he's passionate about getting to know even the people and like get them involved with like sharing their stories and talking a little bit about it rather than just saying that OK. Is this something that makes sense? Great. Give an example. He actually has us you know, like role play, bring out scenarios, explain our side of things and he encourages ideas that when he hears it from us that he doesn't... like maybe it wasn't something part of his material and he'd be like, oh, yeah, you know, I should mention that and I saw that in one of the trainings and that was incredible to me the fact that he wanted to recognize them rather than just ok, What other trainings might have done... Just write it down... Ok, I'll change this element. So, that's probably one of my favorite things, just like the passion that he has and the enthusiasm and how he tries to get to know everyone in the training. Even if it's only for, even if it's the only time they'll ever be in that training.

Produced with Vocal Video