
Megan Carter for GREG GRAY OPEN MIC🎙️LIVE Video Testimonials

August 09, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Megan Carter, Licensed Sales Producer, The Shonie Insurance Group

How would you describe your experience with GREG GRAY OPEN MIC🎙️LIVE and how it has benefited you as an insurance professional?

Megan Carter: So GREG GRAY LIVE is the first training that I have actually been given in this industry that actually teaches you not how to sell something to somebody, but how to talk to somebody. And I have been doing this for eight years come this month. And I've never been given a training that is so personalized to the customer as a person that you're talking to, not somebody you're trying to sell something to. And I think that is one of the things that has impacted me the most.

Can you share a specific success story or "aha moment" that resulted from OPEN MIC🎙️LIVE training?

Megan Carter: So my big aha moment was kind of funny because he was just sharing little tips and tricks on how to really talk about those products that nobody wants to talk about. Like life insurance and retirement and those things that are harder to sell and the way he would drop the little nuggets along the way to make people think about it in the back of their mind until they were ready to talk. And I thought, oh my gosh, that's the stupidest thing ever that I'm not doing that because I've been doing that in my own home with my own children since they were very tiny by simply telling them I don't need you to eat this food. I just want you to hold this food and eventually they just understand, oh, this is here and I need to have it now and they eat it. I'm like, this is the same thing. You just drop a little nuggets along the way and then when that subject comes up later, they're like, yeah, I've been thinking about that. Duh, how simple is that?

“What about OPEN MIC🎙️LIVE do you find most valuable, and why would you recommend it to others?”

Megan Carter: So, here's the deal... GREG GRAY LIVE is not some CEO guy sitting in a corner office preaching to people he doesn't understand. He is not up there telling us we should be doing all of this and we're doing it wrong. It's, it's so personable. It's so down to earth. And hey, I'm doing this too. I'm in the trenches. I've been in the trenches. I know the struggles. He knows these tricks and tips because he's been doing this and he's just, it's like your friend sitting there telling you, hey, I had a really great sales month, guess what I did and how it worked. And you really get that feeling of, of friend and acceptance that you're not being judged. If you're not doing the things he's suggesting, you're not made to feel stupid if you didn't come up with it. It's just this really great camaraderie of sharing a really valuable information. There's input from other people from different, different companies and, and industry, you know, industry people that are from all different companies that are doing this and they're sharing their ideas. They're not in competition with each other. And I think that's a great community to be a part of.

Produced with Vocal Video