
Katelynn Pierce for GREG GRAY OPEN MIC🎙️LIVE Video Testimonials

August 06, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Katelynn Pierce, Life Insurance Specialist

Please describe your experience with GREG GRAY OPEN MIC🎙️LIVE and its benefit to you as an insurance professional...

Katelynn Pierce: I really do believe in these trainings and Greg Gray. To say that he's an incredible person is just an understatement. How has he benefited me and my agencies that I work for? A lot. A lot and I've only been on two trainings with him. He is the kind of person that when he meets you, he acts like he's already known you his whole life. He, he creates a safe space which is crucial for roleplay because if you don't feel comfortable in your role play, role play is already awkward, right? It's already awkward and hard. I think that Greg creates such an open safe space, his energy is contagious. That is crucial for a role playing.

Can you share a specific success story or "aha moment" that resulted from OPEN MIC🎙️LIVE training?

Katelynn Pierce: Specific, aha moment I got a lot of information that I, I didn't know. Especially about the... like people that have it through their employer. There is a lot of information I got from that. It's helped me train my agents and my, well, not my agents but my coworkers who do the P&C side of things and all three of my agencies were seeing success with it because Greg has given me the tools to now train them to incorporate getting referrals to me, as the life specialist and financial person. So we've seen a lot of success with that. I'm now able to, he's given me the tools to train, you know, my people to get me referrals, which has been incredible for my business. So definitely huge impact there.

“What about OPEN MIC🎙️LIVE do you find most valuable, and why would you recommend it to others?”

Katelynn Pierce: The most important thing about this OPEN MIC🎙️ training and "this" OPEN MIC🎙️ training, Greg Gray's OPEN MIC🎙️ training. I have been in zoom role plays where it's not comfortable, it's not a safe space and role and then you don't want to raise your hand to role play and role play is crucial, crucial to our success in this industry. I just Greg, he really is remarkable at creating that safe space. He is just infectious. His energy is contagious and you know, it, it is, it does create such a great environment for us to role play and experiment. And, you know, I mean, he, he does a remarkable job of that and that I think is just crucial to our success in this agency. And that is why I think that Greg Gray's OPEN MIC🎙️ stands out. I mean, this is the most beneficial training I've ever gotten and I'm going on four years and I still hate role playing. You know, we fumble, it's awkward. I have never felt as safe and willing to volunteer to role play as I did with Greg Gray and like I said, I've only met him twice over Zoom and he just acts like he's known me his whole life. He's just... his energy is amazing. I immediately felt so safe and, you know, we all did. I mean, there were brand new people raising their hands to role play, which I thought was amazing because the newer people are so hard to get to, you know, open up and that just goes to show, you know, just that's the difference that right there is the difference. This is the only role play OPEN MIC🎙️ trainings that I will ever be attending now because Greg Gray is just absolutely phenomenal and I believe in him and I believe in the these trainings. It's, it's been very beneficial to me and and my agents. So yeah... I... I won't do any other OPEN MIC🎙️ or role play with anybody else ever again. I will always go to Greg Gray's. He's amazing. These trainings are amazing. You have to get on them and thank you for the opportunity to let me talk about this because truly, these have been incredible. He is an incredible person.

Produced with Vocal Video