
Greg Gray Testimonial

August 28, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Greg Gray, Ceo, Greg Gray, Inc.

How have you experienced Greg's training?

Keefe Duterte: I've had the pleasure of witnessing Mr Greg Gray multiple times. A lot of different training. I actually used to run a coaching and training group and we invited Mr. Gray to be part of it. Now. It, it wasn't just, hey, let's pick a guy. It was like when the Warriors got Kevin Durant, we were pumped and when Greg came on, you know, the first thing I told him is exactly what Steph Curry told Kevin Durant, shoot the ball and boy did he, he is one of the best coaches trainers I've ever witnessed. And even though it was a blow to my ego, he's a better speaker than me. ... and I thought I was pretty good. So my experience with Greg has been phenomenal. He always delivers. He's like the mailman.

What would you say were the biggest impacts or outcomes of the training?

Keefe Duterte: Now, even though I've been in the insurance business since, gosh, 2007, I knew a few things. I ran a coaching group and even though all the experience I've had all the skills, all the different awards and premium business that I've written, I still hire Greg to train my own team because something about Greg just gets my people excited, motivated. And that's cool. But you know, what's better is the results. He helped our retention go up almost 6 points, which when you're running a book of over 12 million in premium, that's a huge number, made my job much easier in terms of growing the book with what we were selling already. So Greg really inspired my team that he helped bring us together, help the culture and really turned our retention around. I can't say enough about Greg's training and the impact that it's had on me and my business.

Would you recommend Greg to others?

Keefe Duterte: Now, I don't recommend people very much. Almost never. A recommendation for me is very personal. I don't like to put my name on other people. or what they do if I'm not sure. But every day that ends in "Y" I would recommend Greg Gray for training. I guarantee that your staff, your group will love him. You'll laugh, you'll have a good time and then you'll have practical tools, practical things that you can take back to the office and implement immediately. So, yes, I would recommend. He's one of the few people that I would recommend. Mr Greg Gray.

Produced with Vocal Video