
Angie King for GREG GRAY OPEN MIC🎙️LIVE Video Testimonials

August 09, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Angie King, Agency Owner, The Angie King Agency

How would you describe your experience with GREG GRAY OPEN MIC🎙️LIVE and how it has benefited you as an insurance professional?

Angie King: Our agency signed up for Greg Gray, starting new in 2024. We kind of were looking for a change. We had participated in a coaching platform previously and again, just wanted to kind of change things up a little bit for 2024. Greg Gray has such a dynamic and positive personality that this has been a very warm change for our agency and welcome one. The staff have had very positive things to say after they've attended sessions. So we're very happy so far with this change and with Greg Gray LIVE.

Can you share a specific success story or "aha moment" that resulted from OPEN MIC🎙️LIVE training?

Angie King: One of the successes that we've had from Greg Gray Live is the Hug and Kiss Method or Hug and pivot. So we're utilizing that we're finding with a lot of our rate increase questions. So, giving empathy and understanding, you know, we understand you're frustrated with this. But let's focus on solutions that we can offer. Has really worked very well for many of the team members here in the agency.

“What about OPEN MIC🎙️LIVE do you find most valuable, and why would you recommend it to others?”

Angie King: What I like most about Greg Gray OPEN MIC🎙️LIVE is the way that the content is set up. You've got staff videos for service and sales and then also some that are geared towards leadership and management. And I think it's a great way to engage everyone within your agency force to participate in one way or another. I also like that the weekly emails that go out include a workbook so that you can download and reference any quick resources or guides that will be used with that content. And just ultimately the way that Greg Gray's dynamic personality lands with the team and the level of engagement is better than what we've experienced in the past. So we're very happy.

Produced with Vocal Video