
Izabelle D F Macedo for Year In Pictures Slide

December 14, 2022

Video Transcript

Speaker: Izabelle D F Macedo

Please use this video collector to talk through your pictures for the GCM Jam general session. Please keep it to 1 minute.

Izabelle D F Macedo: Hi everybody, I'm Isabel here from san Paulo brazil. Unfortunately I can't join you guys live because we did have our holiday party today and we're going karaoke. So I don't think it would be a good idea for me to join post karaoke with all of you but nonetheless wanted to share that. My biggest and greatest memory of this year is not necessarily a campaign or a program or anything like that. It's actually the time when we got together as a team in the northeastern coast of brazil in a state called but it was absolutely phenomenal. The weather was great and we got a chance to meet each other in person, spend quality time, do team building exercises and just get to know each other better as humans. The bonding was phenomenal and it improves our collaboration across the team as a regional team. You guys know that we have people in various offices in various countries. So having that special moment was really important for us and then when I think about the learnings and I reflect back, I think the biggest thing that comes across to me is something that I'm carrying on into next year is that less is more we really have to maintain and sharpen our focus in order to go deep into our programs and extract the best out of our work. It's not the quantity that matters, but it's the quality and it's definitely something that I'm pushing the team to really hone in on for next year with that. Thank you very much for listening and hope you guys enjoy the rest of your jam by.

Produced with Vocal Video