
What are you most looking forward to about 2024? Part I

December 15, 2023

Video Transcript

Speakers: Lily Ruble, Director of Curriculum. Liz Fleskes, Head of Early Childhood. Christina Jarke, Counselor . Julie McLeod, Head of School

What are you most looking forward to about 2024 and why?

Lily Ruble: It may sound simple, but what I'm looking forward to most in 2024 is really just spending more time with my family, with my son and husband and dog. It's just been a really great 2023 and I'm really looking forward to that quality time in 2024. And I'm also really looking forward to just, having a full year under my belt here at Good Shepherd. It's been such a wonderful six months and so I'm excited to see what 2024 brings.

Christina Jarke: In 2024, I'm looking forward to a new year filled with new possibilities and really focusing on living in the present and not trying to worry about what's to come or something that has not happened.

Liz Fleskes: I'm looking forward to in 2024. There's already so many things that are wonderful that are happening in this school year. But as always, I love to see the growth of our students. I love to see the excitement and adventure as they kind of move on into their, along their educational journey. I'm looking forward to springtime in our gardens and having an opportunity to bring the children closer to nature and to see our monarch butterflies return and to just experience this wonderful space with these wonderful students. Happy 2024.

Julie McLeod: So I am looking most forward to so many things. It's a pretty special community at Good Shepherd and it's hard to choose one thing, but if I had to choose one thing, I would say a fully funded Fit For our Future Campaign, that has all the pledges and the reason that I would say that is because that's probably the most important thing for our future at Good Shepherd. It is, it's a really important campaign. So if you aren't sure what I'm talking about, reach out to me and let me tell you about it. Ok. We're really excited about it and it really is crucial to our school and to the school that we want to be here for your children's Children. All right. Thanks.

Produced with Vocal Video