
Missy Cooke for Good Shepherd Episcopal School Video Testimonials

August 06, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Missy Cooke, Middle School Counselor

Please introduce yourself and tell us what excites you most about joining the Good Shepherd community.

Missy Cooke: Hi, I'm Missy Cook and I'm the middle school counselor here. And what excites me the most about joining the Good Shepherd community is getting to be with the students, getting to be in their daily lives. And just helping support big feelings and working through some of those challenging emotions.

What is an interesting fact about yourself or something people may not know about you?

Missy Cooke: An interesting fact about me is that I used to be an orthodontic assistant. Back in college, my uncle had a dentist's office and I decided to become an orthodontic assistant to help kind of support me through college. And that was something fun I did during that time.

What is the best advice you ever received and who was it from?

Missy Cooke: The best advice I ever received was probably from my dad when I was kind of young and I was going through some hard times, you know, just trying to figure out who I was in school. And he had told me that to not let other people define me, to be who I wanted to be and to make decisions that I wanted to make. And that I got to choose who I was.

What’s been the highlight of your summer?

Missy Cooke: The highlight of my summer has been just kind of spending time with family, getting to see some extended family, getting to spend some time swimming and doing summer things and kind of going on a boat and, just doing things that sometimes it's hard to do during the busy seasons.

What brings you joy?

Missy Cooke: What brings me joy the most is just happiness is seeing people be kind to one another and just to be able to see people do good deeds, that sort of hits a special place in my heart. And obviously chocolate, chocolate brings me joy too.

Produced with Vocal Video