
Emily Lambert for Good Shepherd Episcopal School Video Testimonials

August 09, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Emily Lambert, Third Grade Teacher

Please introduce yourself and tell us what excites you most about joining the Good Shepherd community.

Emily Lambert: Hi, my name is Emily Lambert and I'll be teaching third grade at Good Shepherd this year. I am so excited to join the Good Shepherd community. From the moment I stepped on campus for my interview, I could tell that it was just a really, really special, unique place. So I'm thrilled to be joining the faculty and the third grade team. Third grade was my absolute favorite grade as a student. So I'm really excited to have the chance to revisit it, but this time as a teacher.

What is an interesting fact about yourself or something people may not know about you?

Emily Lambert: My great grandmother and grandmother were school teachers and my own mom was a school librarian up until her retirement just a few years ago. So I'm a fourth generation educator and my sister is a teacher as well. So that's a really fun thing to share with so many of the women in my family.

What is the best advice you ever received and who was it from?

Emily Lambert: A great piece of advice that my dad has given me is don't be afraid to build some margin into your life. And what he meant by that was, don't give into the temptation to fill up every hour and every minute with something to do, give yourself a little bit of breathing room time to sit down and read, daydream, maybe even be bored. That's advice he's given me since I was a small child. And at the time I didn't realize how valuable it was, but it's a little nugget of truth that I've taken with me throughout my life. Easier said than done. But an excellent piece of advice nonetheless.

What’s been the highlight of your summer?

Emily Lambert: A highlight of summer for me has been going on vacation with extended family that we don't get to see that often. Most of our family lives in Georgia and Florida. So to get to spend time with parents, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles was really, really special.

What brings you joy?

Emily Lambert: I have got three small kids, a six-year old, a three-year-old and a one- -year-old. And they bring me immense joy every single day. And additionally, or more specifically about this time of year, the beginning of a new school year always brings me joy. There's such a good energy around back to school time and I love to be a part of it. So I'm thrilled for this upcoming school year at Good Shepherd.

Produced with Vocal Video