
Zeinab Farag for The Global Solutions Diary - a community-generated library of climate change solution stories

August 29, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Zeinab Farag, Khartoum, Sudan

How (and why) are you taking action on climate change solutions in, for, and with your community?

Zeinab Farag: Hello, this is Zainab. I come from Sudan today I told you the story of the neighborhood that I used to live in and the waste management plans that we came up with. Um So we were a group of young people when we realized that our neighborhood environment was going down by the way, that was accumulating all over the place. And so what we did is we start with clean up campaigns that we did like for every two weeks. And then we realized that this and this is this end going nowhere. Like we need to mobilize the whole neighborhood communities, the whole neighborhood res uh residents. So they should know like they should be aware how, how this is affecting their health and how this is polluting the environment. So uh we collected money and we bought like um trash bins that we distributed all, all through all the neighborhood for like uh two trash bins for for every residential square. And, and we try to talk to the residents about the importance of uh like how they uh how they can probably uh manage their waste and if they can possibly separate their waste for further recycling plants and we kept on doing the cleaning campaigns. It's never stopped. Uh, we, we try to set like, uh, like a policy guidelines for prop for proper was uh, Malign in order not for the West to.

Produced with Vocal Video