
Zaur for The Global Solutions Diary - a community-generated library of climate change solution stories

September 04, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Zaur , Dushanbe, Tajikistan

How (and why) are you taking action on climate change solutions in, for, and with your community?

Zaur : It's over from Tajikistan. The reason I'm taking the action of climate change solutions and it's giving my community to inform, to improve an opportunity to start save our planet. One of the big mistake is like they're doing to my community especially, it's actually I'm encouraged, support about even the climate change. So I have my project, I'm trying my best. So I wanted to inform them the opportunity and what can be if they continue to throw in the plastic and what they're doing right now in the future. I really love my t people, the friendly people, my community, the peoples and I wanna make them more healthy even for using something they don't know, to know the opposite. What will be in the end? The reason is I wanna make people's lives more, better, more healthier and in the, in the moment during that, save our nature. Thank you.

Who or what inspires/inspired you to care about climate change and climate solutions?

Zaur : Who inspired me to start like following this project, like Flemish solution and even to start this project to say things like the planet. And the reason I have like little story, it's like Tajikistan located in the mountains, land, so landscapes like 93 protons of our land is mountain. So I'm going with my friend, like every week, week we go to like um to mountain trip like we doing like camping, like going there. And I just started to pay attention with when my like most in the mountain, when I go there, we just started following, you know what in this land like going to people because they're throwing the plastic, the garbage there, eating their food is throwing in the middle like, you know, and after that, um I just see the simple example of my friends after he drink the bottle, he just throw it in the, in the middle of our like land, the mountain. And I asked him like, why you did that? He said everyone do. And after just started to think like, you know, um the reason people going following doing that because they don't know. So I become on the mind. Like let's give like simple education, like educated people. And after that, I started to follow any project I have like for, for example, I finished, I'm so grateful for FXB climate change advocacy. They're giving like opportunity for everyone to study free. And after I finish this project, I do my own, it's like called Green Land. And I'm following that on Green Lance giving opportunity like for learning, it's like you don't need to finish university to know why you should not throw into plastic. And the g through the bottle happen plastic, for example, for 100 years and reason you uh to stop, you know, the reason for climate change like the simple things. So that's why inspired me is actually this situation started because of my friends and I'm so grateful to him. Thank you.

Produced with Vocal Video