
Rosaria Etambuyu Simusandu for The Global Solutions Diary - a community-generated library of climate change solution stories

August 29, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Rosaria Etambuyu Simusandu, Lusaka, Zambia

How (and why) are you taking action on climate change solutions in, for, and with your community?

Rosaria Etambuyu Simusandu: Hi, my name is Riza Iambus Sims Sandu. I am from a country called Zambia. My current occupation is a scientist that is very passionate about the environment. Yeah. Um How am I contributing? Ok. So I am contributing to the environment through um sharing knowledge. I'm very passionate about climate education. So I share knowledge um on climate action with friends, family and my community. And then why am I contributing? Ok. So I'm contributing because I understand that climate change affects everybody. It doesn't matter which part of the world you're from, it's still affecting everyone and it's important to raise awareness in the community, especially so that everybody is on board and uh everybody, whether locally globally can still contribute towards climate action.

Who or what inspires/inspired you to care about climate change and climate solutions?

Rosaria Etambuyu Simusandu: Hi, my name is Rosaria. Iambi M Zanu from Zambia. And I'm responding to the second question which is who or what inspires or inspired me to take climate action. So I wouldn't necessarily say um I had somebody like inspire me per se. Um Climate action um has always been something I've been interested in though. It took me a while to actually put two and two together to actually understand what climate action was or what, what my interest was actually called. Yeah. So it all started with um my curiosity in um waste management and seeing how the drainages were always blocked in my country and seeing that it was caused by people throwing trash into the drainages which was causing blockages and the then when the rains would come, would have floods and all that. So I was always curious as to uh what could be done about it. And I started taking uh I signed up for a program, uh an environmental sustainability program where I learned so much about climate action and just, just grew to love climate action and also seeing the need and the importance for it. Then I started following different climate activists and just trying to learn from them currently, uh somebody that inspires me is Tamila De Salami. She is quite young and she has accomplished quite a lot in the climate space. And for me that's really inspiring because of how young she is. Firstly, um for me, it's inspiring to just see how young people are taking it upon themselves, to find climate solutions, to contribute to what the world is currently facing. And for me, that's, that's really inspiring and just the work that has the, the the outcome of seeing young people work together. So currently, she is one of the climate activists that inspires me and because she's more focused on climate education, which is something I'm very passionate about. Yeah.

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