
Nakimuli Anisha for The Global Solutions Diary - a community-generated library of climate change solution stories

August 29, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Nakimuli Anisha , Kasangati, Wakiso, Uganda

How (and why) are you taking action on climate change solutions in, for, and with your community?

Nakimuli Anisha : Hello, my name is NAMI Anisha. I reside in Uganda and I'm a lawyer. The reason as to why I decided to take part in climate change is because I've seen what the effects of climate change and how am I engaging in this? I have dedicated time to learn about climate change by joining various platforms, learn more about climate change. There are different ways in which climate change occurs. Um I've taken courses, I'm attending webinars to educate myself.

Who or what inspires/inspired you to care about climate change and climate solutions?

Nakimuli Anisha : Hello, my name is Naini Anisha. I'm from Uganda and I'm a lawyer um as a lawyer, my specialty I immediately focus in public international law and International Humanitarian Law. The reason as to why I decided to speak up against uh the different effects of climate change is because I advocate for marginalized groups of people to include refugees, the disabled Children, women and the marginalized groups of people are one of the most affected groups of people in particular, the refugees because of the different changes in climate, they are forced to be displaced even in shelters where they've been resettled. So the reason as to why this climate change is important is because I believe if we come up with the best solutions, we can overcome the impacts of climate change. And one of those is awareness, I believe that despite all the different solutions we have in place. Unless we create awareness, then shall we be able to combat climate change? For example, planting trees. Even if we plant the trees without creating awareness, we shall not be able to combat climate change. For instance, if you go down to these communities and educate these people that the reason as to where we are planting these trees is because we want them to contribute to that changing atmosphere through the process, the virus processes. Unless we educate and create awareness, there is no way we are going to be able to combat climate change given the different solutions that we have in place.

Produced with Vocal Video