
Murtaza Habib for The Global Solutions Diary - a community-generated library of climate change solution stories

September 04, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Murtaza Habib, Islamabad, Pakistan

How (and why) are you taking action on climate change solutions in, for, and with your community?

Murtaza Habib: Hello, everyone. My name is M and I am a young climate activist from Lower the Pakistan. I am 21 years old and uh why I'm taking climate action for in and for and with my community living in Lower Deer, I have witnessed firsthand the impacts of climate change on our environment like weird weather patterns and less water. It's really worrying, but it's also what inspired me to take action. I believe that by working together with my community, we can make a real difference. That's why I organize events like clean up drives and tree plantation initiatives. It's not just about making our street cleaner, it's about building a strong sense of togetherness and uh responsibility towards our plant. I am taking action because climate change affects my family, my community, my relatives. So I am taking action. I am creating awareness and I'm conducting workshops to educate people about climate change because in my village people don't uh does not believe climate change, they call it. Uh this is done by God. This is nothing, this is just uh effect from God. Uh We don't pray to God and this is being done by God that's their belief in climate change. So I am changing their minds uh to tackle climate change. I am conducting workshops, seminars, awareness session.

Who or what inspires/inspired you to care about climate change and climate solutions?

Murtaza Habib: What really inspires me is the resilience of nature itself. Even even when things get tough nature finds a way to keep going. And that gives me hope. I am also inspired by the people who are working so hard to tackle climate change from activists who speak up for the planet. And the scientists are coming up with the smart ideas, their passion and dedication and the people in my community in my city, my country and all around the globe, they are working hard to tackle climate change. Even they need climate education. People need climate education. That's why I am giving climate education to them, to inspire them to take a, inspire them to inspire them to take action against climate. I truly believe that if we all come together and take action, we can make our world a better place for everyone. Thank you.

Produced with Vocal Video