
Muhammad Daniyal Kamal for The Global Solutions Diary - a community-generated library of climate change solution stories

September 04, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Muhammad Daniyal Kamal , Islamabad, Pakistan

How (and why) are you taking action on climate change solutions in, for, and with your community?

Muhammad Daniyal Kamal : Hello everyone. This is Mohammed Daniel Kamal and I am from Islamabad Pakistan. As we all know that climate change is happening. And I'm on my path to be becoming an environmental scientist. By this year today, I would like to tell you about my climate story. We all know that climate change is real and I believe that we can combat climate change or fighting strategy could be 20% mitigation and 80% adaptation. So while judging on this climate technique or you can say strategy, I am more inclined towards community's structure and society's behavior. My climate story revolves around community education and society is behavior towards climate change and how am I going to teach our society on climate change? I am currently teaching the students of schools and colleges on climate education, environment, disaster risk management, how they can conserve their water resources, how they are utilizing those natural resources. And moreover, how they can be responsible citizens of Pakistan. Moreover, I am I am promoting the SDGS proposed by the United Nations. My work currently revolves around the SDGS four SDG 13, SDG 14 and SDG 15. Moreover, I will be working on the most important one which will be or which is SDG 17 partnership for the goals. So this was my climate story. And currently I am teaching the students of schools and colleges in Islamabad and there I have taught about 500 students till now. But my aim is to go nationwide for the whole country. Along with that I will be working for other nations as well.

Who or what inspires/inspired you to care about climate change and climate solutions?

Muhammad Daniyal Kamal : This is Mohammad Daniel Kamal and I am from Islamabad Pakistan. And I want my path to be becoming an environmental scientist. By this by this year today, I would like to answer a question that urged me to fight for my climate solution and to fight against climate change as climate change is happening and it's real. And Pakistan is among the top five countries that are vulnerable to climate change that so the situation of my country urged me to fight for a climate solution. And the basic motivation you can say was my country's situation in the year of 2022 when Pakistan was hit by flash floods, a lot of devastation took place and about a million of people, what we are able to climate change, they lost their lives, they lost their homes, they lost everything. So that situation, that scenario urged me to fight for a climate solution. Thank you.

Produced with Vocal Video